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  • Her highly original collections for Dior have redefined and revivified haute joaillerie for a new generation.

    Evelyne Politanoff: Victoire de Castellane and Her Fabulous "Fleurs d'exces" Evelyne Politanoff 2011

  • Her highly original collections for Dior have redefined and revivified haute joaillerie for a new generation.

    Evelyne Politanoff: Victoire de Castellane and Her Fabulous "Fleurs d'exces" Evelyne Politanoff 2011

  • (Exotic because we can't speak Italian and such foreignness has a way of throwing a warm pink hue on everything.) "Ventimiglia is known for la joaillerie* and alcohol," Sonia confirms.

    contrefaçon (Italy, Intro) - French Word-A-Day 2006

  • REFERENCES: le printemps (m) = spring; la bague (f) = the ring; chez les joailleries italiennes = at the Italian jewelry shops; une joaillerie (f) = jewelry store; jewelry; le platine (m) = platinum; the feminine of joaillier is joaillière; pourquoi?

    Words in a French Life Kristin Espinasse 2007

  • (Exotic because we can't speak Italian and such foreignness has a way of throwing a warm pink hue on everything.) "Ventimiglia is known for la joaillerie* and alcohol," Sonia confirms, "But also for its beauty!" she says, waving her arm out to the turquoise blue Ligurian sea.

    French Word-A-Day: 2004

  • * References: Ricard = a brand of French pastis; l'or (m) = gold; à gogo = in abundance; un collier (m) = necklace; un boubou = a long robe worn in parts of Africa; chez nous = at our house; la joaillerie (f) = jewellery; illico = right away; en contrefaisant la faim = feigning hunger

    French Word-A-Day: 2004

  • * References: Ricard = a brand of French pastis; l'or (m) = gold; à gogo = in abundance; un collier (m) = necklace; un boubou = a long robe worn in parts of Africa; chez nous = at our house; la joaillerie (f) = jewellery; illico = right away; en contrefaisant la faim = feigning hunger in Escapade | Permalink

    une contrefaçon - French Word-A-Day 2004

  • (Exotic because we can't speak Italian and such foreignness has a way of throwing a warm pink hue on everything.) "Ventimiglia is known for la joaillerie* and alcohol," Sonia confirms, "But also for its beauty!" she says, waving her arm out to the turquoise blue Ligurian sea.

    French Word-A-Day: 2004

  • (Exotic because we can't speak Italian and such foreignness has a way of throwing a warm pink hue on everything.) "Ventimiglia is known for la joaillerie* and alcohol," Sonia confirms, "But also for its beauty!" she says, waving her arm out to the turquoise blue Ligurian sea.

    une contrefaçon - French Word-A-Day 2004

  • * References: Ricard = a brand of French pastis; l'or (m) = gold; à gogo = in abundance; un collier (m) = necklace; un boubou = a long robe worn in parts of Africa; chez nous = at our house; la joaillerie (f) = jewellery; illico = right away; en contrefaisant la faim = feigning hunger in Escapade | Permalink

    French Word-A-Day: 2004


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